Do electric bikes contribute to environmental protection? When our planet is gradually getting warmer and warmer. Due to we are using the massive amount of energy from petroleum to serve various purposes. Even it is for our daily living needs or in product manufacturing. As a result, a large amount of waste and emissions released into the environment.
Gasoline is a substance made from petroleum, used as fuel for car and motorcycle
Among them, the use public transports or private transports, both use gasoline as fuel has created a huge amount of CO2 dispersing into the air. This has contributed significantly bad effects to the greenhouse effect. That makes our earth getting warm. Using green materials like solar energy, wind energy are necessary solutions to reduce emission, and contribute to protecting our planet.
Using electric bikes to commute instead of other means of transportation will help to significantly reduce the emissions on the environment.
Let’s take a look at the factors that make electric bikes become environmentally friendly.
Raw materials
First of all, electric e- bikes have compact structures. They are much more streamlined than other means of transport. They takes much less of space in traffic.
To make an electric bike, manufacturers will need less of raw materials compared to a car or a motorcycle.
Most modern e-bikes usually have lithium-ion batteries instead of lead- based batteries which used in older bikes. Lithium- ion battery can be rechargeable by solar energy. And they can be recycled after they are no longer can be used. In fact, they are much more safe than lead batteries.
Because of using electricity, electric -bikes do not release any gases or CO2 to the air. So they are clean and safe.
Battery of an electric bike needs only 4-6 hours of charging to be full. And It can provide a source of powerful energy. Depending on the capacity, battery can support the bikes range up to 80km. It is very convenient and useful. Especially, if you are in a big city. Commuting with an electric bike may take less time compared to a car.
Benefits of electric bikes on human
Due to the dynamic designs with pedal assist mode, human mode and pure battery support mode. Electric bikes provide the flexible uses for the riders. They also bring a rich benefit for people of all ages. For the youth, electric bikes are a means of transport , entertainment or sport training. For the elderly, electric bikes help them to travel more easily and flexibly. Many kinds of electric bikes are made especially for the purposes of rehab exercise.
Electric bikes help us to be more proactive in travelling time. Finding a parking space is not as painful as one for a car.
Electric bikes create a lot of fun and joy. They bring us more in touch with nature, keeping us stay healthier.
Economically, electrical bikes in the long term help us save more money on gasoline. And they can help to save from other fees like insurance, technical service and registration.
Keeping and maintaining an electric bike is much easier than a car or a motorcycle.
Summary : Do Electric bikes contribute to environmental protection? The answer is YES . Please keep in mind to return your old bike’ battery to the manufacturers for a change or to buy a new one. Ensure not to drop it in the trash. They can be recycled and used in many time.
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