If you are already in good shape, cycling 30 minutes a day outdoors or on a stationary bike can totally keep you in shape and slim.
But if you have a few more pounds which you need to eliminate, the combination of doing cycling exercise and diet is the most effective way to go.
Cycling 30 minutes a day burn how many calories?
As estimated, 30 minutes cycling will burn around 200-250 calories. One hour equals 400-500 calories. It depends on the intensity of your work.
Let’s see how we can calculate. For example,one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories so if you want to burn one pound of fat you will need cycling around 6,5 – 7 hours..
To push the process of weigh losing more steadily ,you should reduce calories intake
Besides doing exercise, you also should not put more weight on your body by consuming excess foods. However ,Harvard Health Publication published that 1,800 calories for adult women and 2,400 calories for adult men per day is minimum number of calories your body needs to function. It is not include the calories you need to fuel your work out. It is important to know that you need to feed your body what it needs, not to cut off every thing for the purpose of quick weight losing.
Keeping nutritional balance are necessary for daily normal needs of the body while slowly eliminating excessive fat.
Today on the market , to support people who want to know how much calories they take daily. Many inventors created apps, (have both free and premium version) which can help to track calories and control their weight .The Forbes health recommends apps. You may need to know as follows
Calorie Counter by My net Diary
Lose it, Calories counter…
When is suitable time for cycling 30 minutes a day?
Starting cycling 30 minute a day is a light cardio sport. It is great for your overall wellbeing. You can do this at any free time but not immediately after your meal or time before sleeping. Because after a meal your stomach is working hard to digest food. Cycling immediately will put stress on your immune system. It do more harm than good. So you need to give your body a rest at least 30 minutes before starting.
Cycling before sleep is not good because it put your brain in working mood ,make you feel hard to fall asleep.
Cycling 30 minutes a day and which food are the best for weight losing?
Reducing your calories intake by choosing low calorie food but it has high nutritional value. As sometimes cutting calories does not mean helping you to lose weight .It even make you lose muscles and make you weaker.
So the tip here is keep balance your meals with carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Your body is a picture of what you are eating but not how much you eat.
Choosing meat with less fat and high protein. Fresh fruit and vegetables are the most important keys
Meat and poultry.
Chicken breast, Beef tenderloin, pork tenderloin, beef steaks are high quality protein sources which give your body enough nutritional needs . Lean meat and poultry are rich in vitamins B6, B12, and iron . It boosts your energy and can help you feel less hungry, reducing the feeling of craving for more food.
Fish and seafood. They are an excellent choice. It not only carrying the value of protein and nutrition .It gives a great source of iodine and omega 3 fatty acids,selenium,B12 for brain and thyroid functioning.
Whole grains, and nuts give more fiber and and natural omega 6. it is good for digestion system and heart health.
Milk and diary with low fat keep you enough the source of calcium but not over load with excess fats
All kinds of vegetables and fruit are good sources of vitamins and minerals .Which are important factors to build up the cells and body muscles .
Eggs are the most clean source of high proteins and minerals for the body
All herbs , tea , and coffee are excellent for detox and boost immunity system
What to avoid
You just need to try to reduce your intake of alcohol, sweet cakes , junk foods ,sweet drinks and starch because I give high calories which your body is hard to burn.But easily absorbed and turned into stored fat. That makes you gain weight.
Many people find it is hard when they try to cut calories. They feel hungry after diet time and even take huge quantities of food to refill their stomach. And the result is they can hardly lose some pounds In order to overcome this feeling, chewing slowly and dividing the meal into small potions is a trick to the brain .
Do it slow
When it comes to losing weight by combining cycling and diet. Slow is key to success. You need to give time for your body to adjust with changing of intensive workout as well as calories cutting.
In order to make a difference please do not force yourself so hard. Cycling 30 minutes daily can really help you to lose weight, but you can also try to do a long ride in weekend time. Long rides up to 5- 6 hours burn a lot of fat ,slowly build up your endurance for the next training.
Do not skip your meal.
Your body needs to regain energy after a ride, So make sure that you do not skip meals .Refuel with right carbohydrates and protein keep your body release fat. But still maintain muscle, build strength and durable force.
Keep hydrated.
Riding hard in hot and humid summer in cool months of winter makes you easily lose water. Make sure that you always have at least two full water bottles. And also know where you can make a refill. It may be good if you add a drink mix to your water to replenish the electrolytes you lose through sweat.
The bottom line
Cycling 30 minutes a day is a good start to improve your health. Together with diet you will slowly lose fat and strengthen your muscles. You should do it slowly, steadily and with no rush. Temporarily forget about scale, about your body shape is not yet perfect as your wishes .It needs time to fix and rebuild, but slowly you will get your goal.
Sources : Wikipedia
Image: Pixel mob